I have not yet used your horizon inflight; however, as a long time flight instructor I can attest to the fact that at least on my Galaxy Note 8 your gyro looks and reacts exactly like the gyros in the airplanes that I fly. I hope that it reacts just as accurately inflight.
Cool, doesn't work on anything now! Did you guys put a time out, even on the paid version?
App appears to be using accelerometers rather than gyros. Displays level flight during coordinated turns. ....not a useful tool in a real airplane.
Bought the app as promised to work with available sensors INCLUDING Gyro. Obviously not using the Galaxy S4 gyro or programming done wrong. Pretty interface but a waste of money and falsely promoted. I did fly this with my airplane to test.
Update - vibration while in flight seems to make the app unusable. I tried holding the smart phone in my hand isolate the vibration, and it still did not track the horizon in a useful fashion. Worked very well on the ground on my Note 4.
Doesn't work in flight! Useless for me. Samsung S2
On a Samsung Galaxy it doesn't work in an airplane. I already knew which way the floor was. Quite nice for measuring angles on the ground.
Works great on my galaxy tablet, but won't work at all on my note with 4.2.1 :-(
I tried it in the helicopter. It seems to work well for initial roll into turn, but it adjusts to the 'new vertical' in line with the load factor too quickly. So during a rate one turn it will seem to think the aircraft's floor is now 'down' within only a few seconds. Use only as a toy.
It's a shame that some devices can't match the app's ability but as a backup, it's fine.